fishless desert - tulsa, ok
see properties
Fishless Desert Development is a multidisciplinary real estate company. We specialize in urban infill and revitalization efforts in Oklahoma and the south-central United States.
+ Planning
+ Due diligence
+ Tax credit capital stack formation
+ Public incentive procurement
+ Construction Management/Owner's Rep
what we do
Rebuilding the places long since forgotten

Our mission is to make American cities better one development at a time by sensible design and focusing on neighborhoods in need of redevelopment.

meet our team
“But none of these scars were fresh.
They were as old as erosions in a fishless desert.”
- Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea
Fishless Desert Team - Tulsa, OK
meet our team

Who we are

From spearheading a master planned, mixed-use development encompassing two full city blocks, to leading the complex financing and historical renovation of one of Tulsa’s most significant Art Deco high rises, Fishless Desert Development have developed or redeveloped some of the region’s foremost buildings and structures.

Santa Fe Square - Tulsa, OK - Tulsa Retail Development
Midland - Fishless Desert - Urban Retail Development
"We want to create something new and vibrant for Tulsa. It deserves nothing less."
Elliot Nelson - Fishless Desert - Tulsa, OK
elliot nelson

Ready to Start?

Reach out to Fishless Desert.